Monday, December 6, 2010

Long Time, No See

Wow, it has been awhile since I have posted anything new, but I have some new pictures on the way soon! Hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far! If there is anything you would like let me know: or 208-589-1477.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Craft Fair Time

It is now getting to be the holiday season, man did it come fast, but that means lots of craft fair. This year I decided to take action and put one together myself. It will be held on November 13, in the Menan Town Hall. It will be from 11am-6pm. There will be a lot of vendors and it should be a bunch of fun. If you or anyone you know would like to participate and have a booth let me know, 589-1477 or Hope to see you all there no matter what!

Monday, August 2, 2010


I haven't posted anything new for you have probably noticed. I will get some new pictures up soon.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Menan Fourth Celebration (on the 5th)

All the watchbands...
All the necklaces...
More Watches...

The Menan fourth celebration was a lot of fun, the only thing that we could have done without was the wind. There were a lot more people this year and that made for a good day.

Monday, July 12, 2010


If anyone is interested in recieving monthly emails let me know. I am going to start having monthly deals and it will list available dates for anyone interested in having a party. There are great incentives for having a party also, you will definitley get atleast something FREE!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

More Watchbands

These are by far my favorite things to make. There are so many options and they always seem to turn out cute no matter what! I have made so many of these watchbands that I sometimes forget that I am doing it, they just kind of make themselves.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Very Summery, this one has shells and pink tones. The pink beads are made from glass.

This is my absolute favorite, it is very beautiful.

Turquoise and red, very bold and very pretty together.

I also love this one, the butterfly makes a great statement. The black and light orange match the markings on the butterfly.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


These bands are so much fun. They are very popular and can be done in any color(s) you can imagine. There are so many different kinds of beads that can be used in the bands. With these you buy a watch face (which also come in a lot of styles and colors) and you just hook the clasps to the face and you can switch them whenever you feel like.

All Different Kinds...of Necklaces

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More Necklaces

This is really an aqua green color. Really cute.
This is a really cool one, it is purple and amber.

This is a very pretty one.

This is a foam green color with a pearl shell round bead accent.

Hello again....

Hey just wanted to remind everyone that I will do home parties for anyone interested. My schedule is open most of July and all of August. If you are interested you can call me at 208-589-1477 or email me at There are really great host rewards as well!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Watch Faces

Watch Faces come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. I love all the different styles. They are all really fun and you can match them to any watch band.


These are super fun and very popular. I love making these watchbands because no two are alike (unless someone wants one the same). There are so many options when making them.

Necklaces, Necklaces

Most of these use some turquoise, I love red and copper with turquoise. There are a lot of different options with turquoise. There is even white turquoise, which is very pretty.

This picture doesn't give this necklace any justice, it is very beautiful and the blue is very bold and bright. This is another one of my favorites.

Pretty Little Things

Big Swirls, I love this one, the pendant is big and the colors are very cool.

This one reminds me of a sunset on the beach. This is a very summery necklace, it has freshwater pearls in it and just a touch of silver every now and then.

Floating gems, this necklace is really cute, it would look good with any outfit. The pink and clear beads are a good summer combination.

Day 2

Day 2 of the blog, how often are you suppose to keep up on these things?! I will upload more pics today.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

More Pictures

This is one of my favorites, it is bright and bold!

Zebra stripes are really in style this year.

This one is really fun, it could be worn dressed up or just with jeans.

This is another one of my favorites, very cute!

Menan Fourth Celebration

I will be at the Menan Fourth of July Celebration, which is actually on Monday, July 5. I will have all of my jewelry there. Should be really fun, everyone should come and check it out. There is always a lot going on and lots of good food!


Now these are the most popular things I have ever made! Watch bands are crazy popular right now. The cool thing about these are that you can get a band in any color and you can get watch faces to match them to, you can just buy one face and switch out the band!


Necklaces come in all shapes and sizes (of beads that is), they are very versatile. They can be made for any occasion and can be long or short. I love making these because every single one looks different.

Jump Ring Bracelets

Jump Ring Bracelets are super fun and they add a flash to any outfit. The cool thing about all these is that they can be done with any color beads! Although these take a while to make they are probably my favorite ones when they are done.

First Pic

Turquoise and red stone bracelet, these colors
together seem to be very popular!